Are you a PhD student in educational science? Are you interested in learning more about how your research can have an impact in schools and classrooms? Join this ICSEI pre-conference for a unique opportunity to discuss your research with leading scholars and peers, build networks and gain new knowledge.
Educational research can provide important ways for teachers and leaders to improve in their own practice while having a strong impact on student learning.
Unfortunately, there is often a disconnect between the research and the understanding of that research by practitioners.
In this ICSEI forum, which is of particular interest to PhD students in educational science, Dr. Peter DeWitt will give his keynote lecture: ”Educational Research: Making it practical so it can be impactful”.
The lecture will point out how researchers can make their research more practical, and how to best get it into the hands of practitioners.
In his lecture, Dr. DeWitt will highlight a number of topics that are highly relevant for scholars who would like their research to make an impact in the field of practitioners, such as: Research versus practice? Why should practitioners use your research? How is your research any better than what they are presently doing in their classrooms or schools? Why is it that what we learned at University is not what we can immediately begin using when we start teaching? How can researchers get their research into the hands – and minds – of practitioners?
Roundtable meetings
Following the keynote, participants will join small roundtables, based upon their areas of research and interest. The roundtable meetings will be mentored by veteran ICSEI members, providing the participants to ask questions and discuss relevant topics with the group.
Each roundtable will discuss one of the following topics:
- Educational Research: Making it practical so it can be impactful.
- Exploring research methodology
- Publishing your work/research
- Exploring research writing
- Exploring Theoretical Frameworks
- Using social media to share your work/research
Sign up for the roundtables can be found on this form.
Who can attend?
The Foundation Years Researcher and Practitioner Forum is open for participants at ICSEI 2019, and especially invites PhD students and others with a particular interest in this topic and format.
Practical information
Pre-conference: The Foundation Years Researcher and Practitioner Forum
Time: Wednesday, January 9th
Place: ICSEI 2019 venue, Stavanger Forum
Fee: 20 AUD (+ ICSEI conference fee)
If you are signing up for ICSEI, select the option “Early Career / Post Graduates Forum” (section 9 on the registration form).
If you have already signed up for ICSEI, go to the Registration page (section 3, “Conference Registration”) and click on the last option in that section that says “Adding to Registration”.
Sign up for the roundtables can be found on this form.